Let’s associate a society built on the members’ mutual trust
It is important for us to support each other in groups of good-hearted men in which all of the members can trust and understand each other. In this world, we think that each of members ought to rise up with a firm motivation to root out the evil for preventing potential problems and protect each other. In whatever society we live, our best consideration must be how to get this association and the members recognized as trustworthy and reliable group and people; we think that our movement to secure public trust must not be allowed to fade away.
Mutual support between victims
In addition to this kind of encouragement of victims’ mutual support, we also promote suicide prevention activities.
Invitation to membership as indirect supporter
We are on the lookout for individuals or association that will support us in many ways indirectly; this means that we welcome people or groups which sympathize with our ethics and try to get social contribution to improving society even though they hesitate to take part in activitie directly related to religion.
Influential supporters
We would appreciate support from influential people who can put their ideas into action and experts of legal having a big clout in society.
バッハ ヴァイオリン協奏曲第一番 第二章